Starting January 17th, 2021, we challenged our congregation (and anyone else who wanted to join us!) to 100 days of focused prayer. During that time we ask that you pray daily for four pillars of prayer, fast weekly for one meal on Thursdays, and reflect on God's Word.
Our purpose is to humble ourselves and submit to God’s plans by seeking Him for direction and renewal for ourselves, our congregation, our community, our country and the world! We are in great expectation of what God is doing through this special time!
We will be celebrating the conclusion of this emphasis in a special service on Wednesday, April 28th at 7pm in our Sanctuary. Students from 6th grade up will join our adults for this special time of worship, testimony, prayer, communion, and a vision for where God is leading us from here!
Below are our Four Pillars of Prayer:
Pray for Laborers: Lord, where do you want me and other believers to serve you and serve others in your name? "Therefore, pray to the Lord of the harvest to send out workers into his harvest." -Matthew 9:38 CSB
Pray for Outreach: Lord, who do you have for me to share your love with through words and action? "Then he said to them, 'Go into all the world and preach the gospel to all creation.'" -Mark 16:15 CSB
Pray for Personal Direction: Lord, what steps do you want me to take as I live the life you have given me? "In their hearts humans plan their course, but the LORD establishes their steps." -Proverbs 16:9 CSB
Pray for Leaders: Lord, I pray for leaders in our church, community, state, and nation for clear direction and empowerment from you. "Let everyone submit to the governing authorities, since there is no authority except from God, and the authorities that exist are instituted by God." -Romans 13:1
So will you join us and make the commitment to seek God for the next 100 days?
Dear Heavenly Father, during this time I commit to joining our church family in daily prayer. My record may not be perfect, but I will be committed. If I fall down I will get back up and continue seeking you in prayer for these 100 days. Amen.